Information on ordering a portrait in oil painting
I hand-paint portraits in oil paint, where you choose whether it should be a painting of a person or a pet - or a artwork of both a human and a pet. Maybe you want to give a timeless and personal touch to your home or give a memorable gift to someone you love.
If you have any requests or ideas about a specific portrait, please get in touch. You can choose a portrait painted with a plain background, a scenic background or something abstract.
I am currently accepting orders where you have the opportunity to join the waiting list.
Prices and sizes of portraits
The price of the artwork is governed by your choice of size of the artwork, how much is to be painted on the artwork, i.e. many details in the foreground and background and depending on how many people and animals are to be painted together on the canvas. If you want a richly painted painting with many details in the background in addition to the motifs themselves, more hours are required to complete the artwork, hence a higher price.
Picture frame is not included in the price, but can also be selected for an additional cost. You will be presented with different choices of picture frames.
Before the creation of your artwork begins, you need to pay a deposit (30% of the artwork price) which covers material costs and secures your place on the order list. You will receive an invoice to pay which I will send through Frilans Finans - which is Sweden's largest self-employment company.
A week before it's your turn to have your artwork painted, you will be contacted by me and receive an invoice for the final payment. As soon as it is paid, I will start painting your portrait. Please read terms and conditions prior to the order.
Costs for shipping are added, which are affected by the size and to which country in the world the artwork is to be sent. It will be included in the final invoice.
The packaging is done carefully and properly so that the artwork is not damaged during shipment.
Since your photograph is what I paint from for the painting, it is important that the image is of good quality. The best prerequisite for a good quality portrait is a high-resolution image where details are clearly visible. This is the most important thing for the final result of the entire work of art. If you don't already have a good picture, it is recommended that you take several photographs - ideally in daylight. If you want more than one pet/person on the artwork, you don't have to have the pets/persons in the same picture, so it's fine for them to be in different photographs, I can put them together later on the artwork.
If you have other questions or concerns, you can visit the questions & answers page, or if you feel ready to place an order, you can go to the contact page, it is also fine to ask questions through the contact page directly to me.
Common questions & answers
How long does it take for the artwork to be completed?
Depending on the size and choice of background as well as how long the order list is, it affects how long it takes before the painting is finished. Feel free to contact me with your requests to get a time estimate.
Will my artwork appear on the website or in other contexts?
I reserve the right to be able to promote my own promotion of the art through the website, newsletter and social media etc. If you are not happy with that then please let us know.
Do you ship the artwork worldwide?
Yes, I do.
Can I see how the portrait will look before it is painted?
I will make a prototype so you can see what the portrait will look like before painting the artwork if you don't want the photograph painted as it is. Otherwise, it will be a simpler design that shows what you have agreed on before I start painting.
Can you make changes to the portrait?
When the painting is finished, you will see the artwork in a photograph that I will email to you, then you will have the opportunity to make any minor adjustments.
Can I only order portraits of pets or is it also possible to get portraits of people?
You can also order portraits of people. It also happens that customers want to order a portrait of themselves together with their pet.